Digital Declutter

Do you need a digital declutter?

A good cleaning helps to refresh our living spaces and mental spaces, and our digital libraries are no exception.

Some simple strategies can help minimize distractions and maximize organization in digital spaces like email inboxes and computer desktop screens, so you can reclaim your focus and productivity.

Here are some great tips to make it easy:

  • Stop the chaos before it starts – organise windows, optimize screen space, and maximize your productivity with a snap. Snap Assist helps you bring balance to your desktop so you can stay focused and find what you need, faster.
  • File systems to keep your desktop organised – there are some great systems like OneDrive that help manage all of your data
  • Clean out your emails – keep your inbox feeling fresh and spam-free with automatic filtering and sorting, as well as tools like SweepArchive, and Move to
  • Clear out outdated bookmarks and open tabs – out with the old and in with the new, start fresh by making the switch to Microsoft Edge.

Use these tips will help you achieve that fresh and clean feeling for your different digital spaces!…/organize-digital-declutter…