Site Reliability and Performance Metrics

Performance metrics are essential tools for measuring the success and efficiency of eCommerce businesses.

These metrics provide valuable insights into customer behaviour, sales trends, and operational effectiveness.

Regularly monitoring and analysing key site reliability and performance metrics can help identify performance issues, optimise user experience, and ensure the overall health and reliability of your website.

We suggest you particularly monitor;

1. Page Load Time:
More than a statistic; it’s the first impression users have of your site’s efficiency.

2. Uptime and Downtime:
Uptime (the duration a website is operational) and downtime (when it’s inaccessible), are critical metrics. Minimal downtime ensures your platform is consistently available to users, fostering trust and reliability.

3. Conversion Rates:
Beyond the technicalities, the ultimate goal of an eCommerce site is to convert visitors into customers. Monitoring conversion rates provides insights into the effectiveness of your user interface, navigation, and overall user experience, allowing for informed optimisations and possible integrations that may improve conversion rates.

4. Cart Abandonment Rate:
Understanding why users abandon their shopping carts is crucial for optimising the purchasing journey. High abandonment rates may signal issues with payment processes, shipping costs, or simply a lack of trust in the platform.

Embracing these performance metrics not only helps in identifying strengths and weaknesses but also in strategically planning for future growth.