
Faceted Navigation

Faceted navigation is a powerful tool in eCommerce, designed to enhance the user experience by allowing shoppers to filter and refine their search results with ease. This navigation method provides …

Headless Commerce Architecture

Headless commerce offers significant flexibility and adaptability to online retailers. By leveraging headless commerce, companies can experiment with new user experiences, A/B test different designs, and implement updates faster, leading …

G4 Updates: Key Events

Google are updating the terminology they use to describe crucial actions on your website. While you’ll still be collecting events to track specific behavioral interactions, they’re now referring to events …

Lead Generation in eCommerce

Lead generation, the process of capturing and nurturing potential customers’ interest in your products or services is the lifeblood of any eCommerce business. These potential customers, or leads, can come …

eCommerce Industry Report

Australia Post recently released its 9th edition of the Inside Australian Online Shopping Report, an in-depth study into consumer buying behaviours and trends. 2023 saw retailers and consumers responding swiftly …