Online Video Production with Stephen Webb

As part of our new series on the DBG blog – 10 Questions, we’re talking to professionals in the online industry to learn about their services, new technology and trends …

Responsive Web Design for SEO

A hot topic in web design the world over is ‘Responsive Design‘.  But what does this mean? Short answer is that it means that your website is designed and coded …

What’s a Web-Friendly Font?

Ok let’s start with what a web-friendly font is – “they are fonts that are likely to be present on a wide range of computer systems, and used by web …

Ransomware Attacks on the Rise

As you may have noticed from recent coverage on all the major television news services, there has been hackers targeting businesses across Australia with some fairly serious consequences.  We thought …

Stop Googling Yourself – Part II

This is a guest post by Chris Schwarz from The Search Guys; an Adelaide based online marketing company. A few weeks ago, Tamara touched on some strategies about how to conduct …

What is a ‘cache’?

In the animal world, ‘cache’ is the “food storing behaviour of animals”.  While this is interesting in itself, this isn’t quite what we’re talking about in this instance! We’re interested in web, …

What is HTML anyway?

We understand that the world wide web is a big, scary thing for most people, so each month we’ll try to take a word, acronym or phrase and explain to …