State of the Digital Nation – MYOB

MYOB undertake a quarterly national survey of Australia’s business owners that looks at business outlook, perceptions of current and future business performance, and more.  This survey has lead to the …

Social Commerce to push online sales

Have you heard of social commerce? If you haven’t you should read on – its changing the way the eCommerce game is played! DBG spots ‘social commerce’ web trend for …

Design Checklist for a New Website

Recently DBG was lucky enough to present to a small group of business owners as part of the Brand Task Force. The presentation was aimed at giving businesses a quick …

Reverse Showrooming: Why Your Website Is Crucial

Over the past 5 years, as eCommerce websites have really hit their stride and we saw many traditional B&M (bricks & mortar) retailers crying foul at customers who were ‘showrooming’. …

Technology: Redefining Language

There’s absolutely no doubt that technology has changed the world that we live in – but have you ever stopped to think about how certain terms now mean completely different …

How To Plan For Your New Website

Recently DBG was lucky enough to present to a small group of business owners as part of the Brand Task Force.   The presentation was aimed at giving businesses a …

What is a 404 error page?

We understand that the world wide web is a big, scary thing for most people, so each month we’ll try to take a word, acronym or phrase and explain to …

Google’s Trusted Stores

If you do anywhere near the amount of online shopping that I do, it’s likely that you’ve come across one of Google’s Trusted Stores.  They’re identifiable by this small badge: …