What is Responsive Website Design & How Does It Work

If you have gone through the process of getting a website designed for your business in the last 12-24 months, then it’s likely that you’ve heard the phrase “responsive website design“.  But what does it actually mean, and how does it work?

Quite simply, it means that your website will be coded using the latest technologies to ensure that it intuitively adapts and flexes to fit the size of the screen that it is being viewed on, whether that be a smartphone, tablet or PC.  This is becoming crucial now in an age where the proportion of people using a smartphone as their key internet access point is growing daily.

The Verve – a digital agency from the UK – have come up with this rather helpful infographic:




If you’re in the market for a responsive website, then get in touch with DBG as we love designing responsive websites:  www.dbg.net.au